Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Hey people! Sorry for not updating regularly. Been rather busy with work and training. Anyway, dropping by to inform y'all that I will be away at Jakarta, Indonesia as one of the delegates representing Singapore from the 6th to 9th September for the World Championships 2007. My flight's scheduled tomorrow night at 9.20pm and I will be back on Sunday night 10pm. Will be flying aboard Garuda Indonesia Airline. Do pray that I'll be safe and sound. Haha... Don't miss me too much!

Sheesh.. I have not even packed my luggage yet! So lazy.. Barf! Oh well, I think I'd better go pack my luggage now. Before I sign off, let me show you the injuries I've gotten over the past 2 weeks of training.

1) What: Bruise
Where: Left thigh.
Age: 5 days old
Origin: Stick flew out from my hand and towards my thigh.
Status: Not healed

Same bruise

2) What: Bruise (with swelling)
Where: On the right kneecap.
Age: 10 days old.
Origin: Unknown
Status: Not healed

3) What: Slight fracture (swelling and bruise)
Where: On the left shin, just right under the kneecap.
Age: 3 days old.
Origin: Stupid mistake made by Ronnie who withdrew the stick at the very last minute during the 2-men blocking drill. I've got nothing to block against, couldn't stop in time and the stick ended up whacking my shin at full force. BAM! In short, I fractured my own shin.
Status: Not healed
N.B: Picture not taken

4) What: Bruise (A lil redness)
Where: On the right forearm
Age: 3 days old.
Origin: From being a dummy for the newbies during the practise of disarming.
Status: Not healed

5) What: Swelling
Where: Right middle finger
Age: 6 days old.
Origin: Given by Sigmund, the taekwando kid, whom I was assigned to 'coach' during the demo workshop. Instructed to give the 1st strike, he delivered it hard and fast before I finished speaking.
Status: Not healed
N.B: Picture not taken

6) What: A lil blue-black
Where: Both thumbnails
Age: 3 days old.
Origin: Given by the same Ronnie who made the stupid mistake and also by Mr. Lee.
Status: Healed
N.B: Picture not taken

7) What: Soreness and a lil pain
Where: Lower back
Age: 2 weeks old.
Origin: Raphael gave me a lil extra help when we were doing stretching for tournament training. Think we overdid it.
Status: Not healed
N.B: Picture not taken

8) What: Swelling
Where: Right cheekbone
Age: 5 days old.
Origin: Richard gave it to me when doing the 2-men blocking drill.
Status: Healed
N.B: Picture not taken

9) What: Bruise (With a lil swelling)
Where: Left forearm
Age: 5 days old.
Origin: Ron gave it to me when delivering the 13th strike and I'm doing the block (pyong).
Status: Healed
N.B: Picture not taken

On top of all those injuries, Mom just had to remind me that I still have my child-bearing duties to fulfil. Haha... My mom's the best lah. Though she nags, she never fails to rub my bruises for me. Love ya, Momma! *muacks*

WildChild @ 8:11 pm | comment link here

F.Bitch.I Profile

Sexy Temptress Expertly Providing Hot Affection and Naughty, Intense Embraces
+ Name: Stephanie Dara
+ Age: Forever 21
+ Horoscope: Libra
Not your average kind of gurl
More than you can handle

in 1822, William Herschel discovered (Ur)anus

follow StephieD at http://twitter.com

desires for 2007

+ a good man to settle down with
+ a GPA score of higher than 4.1
+ a ton of good crime fiction books
+ a few more pounds to be shed
+ to look and feel good about myself

to be done soon

+ lose more weight
+ get a new pair of spectacles
+ shop for new shoes
+ a pedicure & manicure session
+ an eyebrow trimming session
+ a hair makeover
+ shop for CNY clothes
+ shop for bra and panties

movies watchlist 2007

+ Curse of The Golden Flower
+ Pan's Labyrinth
+ One Last Dance
+ Zodiac
+ Perfume: The Story of a Murderer
+ Hannibal Rising
+ The Number 23
+ Spider-Man 3
+ 28 Weeks Later
+ Ocean's Thirteen
+ Nancy Drew: The Mystery in
Hollywood Hills
+ Harry Potter & The Order of Phoenix

my babes

[*] Charlette
[*] Dee
[*] Denise
[*] Gladys
[*] Imms
[*] Jo
[*] Lil Sis
[*] Linyan
[*] Lynn
[*] Munster
[*] Rozie

my hunks

[*] Ahxing
[*] Amos
[*] Brudda
[*] Dan
[*] Darthsid
[*] DK
[*] Dude
[*] Hao
[*] John


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