Sunday, February 04, 2007 I is happy! I is very happy today! Hahaha...Finally managed to drag my arse out of bed early on a Sunday morning to training after 3 weeks. The moment I reached the training venue, I was showered with compliments from my seniors! Hahaha... Maybe they all had honey for breakfast. Mr. Lee, Fu and Faisal commented that I've lost weight and became much slimmer and fitter, and look sexier and prettier. Then Fu said I wouldn't have problems getting dates on Valentine's Day 'cos there would be a long line of suitors. Faisal then remarked that Fu is single and available. I was so embarrassed by their words probably I'm not used to receiving compliments about my physical self. But I seriously think they are exaggerating and I said that. But they seemed serious. Oh well, maybe I did look fitter and slimmer after all those swimming. Hehe... But still, I don't have a line of suitors queueing all the way to Johor Bahru. And also still no Valentines. Bleah! Then while brushing up on our techniques, my instructor suddenly said I look so cute. HUH?! Like wtf?! I'm not some kinda cartoon character. I'm supposed to look lethal while executing my martial arts, not cute! GRRRrr! Then I found out from Marcus that he made that comment because I was smiling all the while during the practice. Oooh.. So I made some funny faces and pretended to look fierce while executing my moves but it sent Marcus into a ball of laughter 'cos he said I look like I'm suffering from constipation. -.-" Fine. ***** On Wednesday afternoon after classes, I went for my swim at the pool. To my surprise, the lifeguard, Rozie, treated me to a bottle of Coca-Cola! Haahaa.. So sweet of her. But I had to swim an extra 5 laps because of that. Then later I found out it's because I remind her so much of her own 18 year old daughter. She also said I've slimmed down a lot since the first time she saw me. Umm.. I wonder when she started noticing me. Hiak hiak hiak! Actually, the lifeguards at JE swimming complex are pretty friendly. I like them. Haha.. Maybe 'cos they always talk to me and treat me as one of their own. Lalalala... OK lah, whatever the case, training and swimming made me euphoric today. Oh yar, I need to get my Chinese New Year shopping done soon! Munster!!! Shopping shopping? =D P.S.: I think I may just like you a itsy bitsy teensy weensy lil bit, Mr. L T. *blushes*
F.Bitch.I Profile
in 1822, William Herschel discovered (Ur)anus
desires for 2007 + a good man to settle down with to be done soon + lose more weight movies watchlist 2007 + my babes [*] Charlette my hunks [*] Ahxing archives November 2005 sparklets
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